Once again Cape York is in crisis. Tens of thousands of hectares of native bushland are being cleared on Cape York on a scale not seen since the Bjelke-Petersen years. The aim is to open up the region to high-value agriculture in a bid to… Read more
Sickness Country: Selling Nuclear to the Neighbours
Earlier this month, Tony Abbott travelled to India to seal the deal on a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement which will allow the sale of uranium to the subcontinent. Australia had previously banned the sale of uranium to India, due to its status as a non-signatory… Read more
Wild Rivers no more: Newman decision threatens the Cape
This week, the Queensland Government finalised their repeal of the Wild Rivers Act. Introduced in 2005 by the Labor government, the Act aimed to protect Queensland’s 13 pristine rivers from the threat of bauxite mining, CSG drilling, major irrigation plans and damming. The Queensland Government had… Read more
Environment Department Gutted; “Alternative Funding Models” in Uluru & Kakadu Suggested
The upcoming budget will slash $100 million from the Department of the Environment over the next three years. An internal government review has indicated that 670 jobs will be shed, equating to a quarter of the Department’s workforce, with 250 voluntary redundancies expected by Christmas… Read more
Exploiting the Cape York Wilderness – A Delicate Balance
The wilderness of the Cape York Peninsula is one of Australia’s most precious. One of the last wild places on earth it is a biodiversity hotspot, home to undisturbed tropical forests, wetlands and over 300 species of endemic flora and fauna. The Cape is also… Read more
Environmental Injustice in Australia – Nuclear Waste
Muckaty Station is a small township in the remote Northern Territory, 110km north of Tennant Creek and roughly 800km south of Darwin. Also known as Marlwanpa, the land is held under Native Title having formally been returned in 2001 to the traditional owners – the… Read more