Last week, Tony Abbott embarked on his international tour of embarrassment. Not content to cause shame on the national stage, he is hell-bent on humiliating Australia in lands far and wide, following his lampooning on popular US TV show Last Week Tonight. Of all the… Read more
Tagged: “Abbott”
The World Is Watching
In a recent article in the UK’s Independent, journalist Kathy Marks poses the question, “Is Tony Abbott’s Australian administration the most hostile to his nation’s environment in history?” Marks criticises Abbott’s absolute disregard for the science of climate change and even science itself, by not even… Read more
Is Drought the New Normal?
Tony Abbott has arrived in the drought affected regions of Western New South Wales and Queensland to discuss a potential government aid package with struggling regional farmers. By all accounts, these regions have faced a devastating drought over the last two years, with some areas… Read more
Taking the Politics out of Saving the Reef
Last Saturday, a series of small rallies took place in our state capitals protesting the recently approved dredging and dumping project at Abbot Point. The event was organised at the last minute by ASEN, the Australian Student Environment Network and got a pretty good turnout… Read more