Situated in Tasmania’s north west, the Tarkine is a globally significant wilderness area containing extensive tracts of Gondwanan temperate rainforest. Although not designated as a National Park, or part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, the area contains a wildly diverse landscape with rich… Read more
Tagged: “Mining”
Sickness Country: Selling Nuclear to the Neighbours
Earlier this month, Tony Abbott travelled to India to seal the deal on a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement which will allow the sale of uranium to the subcontinent. Australia had previously banned the sale of uranium to India, due to its status as a non-signatory… Read more
Exploiting the Cape York Wilderness – A Delicate Balance
The wilderness of the Cape York Peninsula is one of Australia’s most precious. One of the last wild places on earth it is a biodiversity hotspot, home to undisturbed tropical forests, wetlands and over 300 species of endemic flora and fauna. The Cape is also… Read more
The Truth Revealed – Great Barrier Reef Authority Advised Against Plans to Dredge at Abbot Point
This week came a huge blow to Environment Minister Greg Hunt and the controversial Abbot Point coal port development he approved late last year. New documents obtained by Greenpeace emerged this week, revealing the extent of the Marine Park Authority’s opposition to both the dredging… Read more
Environmental Unaccountability
Today we learned that our reef destroying, shark culling, forest logging Environment Minister Hunt will grant himself retrospective legal immunity. What does this mean? Greg Hunt will be immune from any legal challenges to environmental approvals he issued before December 31st, 2013. Many of these… Read more
The Great Barrier Reef – A Dumping Ground for Industry?
On December 12th 2013, the Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt announced his decision to approve an application by North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) to expand its coal terminal at Abbot Point. This news was a great shock to those campaigning against the project as well… Read more