Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on the Australian government. Once again, toxic waste from Clive Palmer’s nickel refinery near Townsville is threatening to spill into the Great Barrier Reef and local waterways. This comes only weeks after newly released documents revealed… Read more
Tagged: “Reef”
Environmental Unaccountability
Today we learned that our reef destroying, shark culling, forest logging Environment Minister Hunt will grant himself retrospective legal immunity. What does this mean? Greg Hunt will be immune from any legal challenges to environmental approvals he issued before December 31st, 2013. Many of these… Read more
Taking the Politics out of Saving the Reef
Last Saturday, a series of small rallies took place in our state capitals protesting the recently approved dredging and dumping project at Abbot Point. The event was organised at the last minute by ASEN, the Australian Student Environment Network and got a pretty good turnout… Read more
The Great Barrier Reef – A Dumping Ground for Industry?
On December 12th 2013, the Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt announced his decision to approve an application by North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP) to expand its coal terminal at Abbot Point. This news was a great shock to those campaigning against the project as well… Read more
Why Aquis Reef Casino is Bad for Cairns
Chinese billionaire and developer Tony Fung is proposing to build his Macau style mega-casino and resort, the Aquis Great Barrier Reef Resort, on the Cairns northern beach of Yorkeys Knob. The $4.3 billion casino will have 9 luxury hotels, a convention centre, 2 x 2500-seat… Read more