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The World Is Watching

In a recent article in the UK’s Independent, journalist Kathy Marks poses the question, Is Tony Abbott’s Australian administration the most hostile to his nation’s environment in history?”  Marks criticises Abbott’s absolute disregard for the science of climate change and even science itself, by not even bothering to appoint a science minister to his cabinet.

In a demonstration that the UK, and the world, are watching us, Marks details the ways the Abbott government has failed the Australian people on environmental issues since coming into power only five months ago.  The Great Barrier Reef, Tasmania’s forests, the WA shark cull, dismantling climate change / renewable energy research bodies and failing to appoint a science minister, a position which has been in existence since 1931.

This kind of environmental vandalism has not been seen since the era of Joh Bjelke-Petersen’s Country Party in Queensland, who favoured drilling for oil in the Great Barrier Reef.  Like Abbott, he too was fueled by a strong religious morality, believing he knew what was best for Australians and would save them from vice and perceived immorality.

The world is watching as we continue along this path towards environmental self destruction.  We must keep protesting, fighting and spreading the word to ensure this government is not re-elected.  Let’s tell the world that Australians do not endorse this government.

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